Một số vấn đề về thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2011

Một số vấn đề về thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2011

Một số vấn đề về thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2011
1. Những tồn tại trong thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2011
- Dữ liệu thi: Vẫn có đơn vị chuẩn bị chưa tốt, còn sử dụng phàn mềm nhập dữ liệu thi của năm trước để nhập dữ liệu nên còn sai sót về môn thi (THPT số 2 Bảo Thắng, THPT số 1 Văn Bàn). Sau đây là một số lỗi về hồ sơ thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2011:
+ Sai sót trong nhập điểm bảo lưu cho thí sinh tự do: Các trung tâm: GDTX Bắc Hà (Địa lí, Ngữ văn, Lịch sử), KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh (Địa lí, Ngữ văn), GDTX Bảo Yên (Vật lí, Địa lí).
+ Sai sót trong tính điểm khuyến khích cho thí sinh: Các trường THPT số 1 Mường Khương, Số 4 Lào Cai, trung tâm KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi nơi sinh của thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 1 Lào Cai, Chuyên, Số 1 Văn Bàn, Số 2 Văn Bàn, Số 4 Lào Cai, Số 2 Mường Khương, Số 1 Sa Pa, Số 3 Lào Cai, Số 1 Bát Xát, Số 3 Bảo Thắng, Số 1 Bảo Yên, Số 2 Si Ma Cai, Số 1 Si Ma Cai; trung tâm KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh.
+ Sai sót trong việc tính diện cho thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 1 Lào Cai, Số 2 Lào Cai, Số 1 Bảo Thắng, Số 1 Văn Bàn, Số 2 Bảo Thắng; các trung tâm: GDTX Sa Pa, KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi dân tộc cho thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Số 1 Lào Cai, Số 1 Văn Bàn, Số 1 Bảo Thắng; trung tâm KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi ngày, tháng, năm sinh của thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 2 Bát Xát, Số 3 Bảo Thắng, Số 1 Bảo Thắng, Số 2 Si Ma Cai, Số 1 Si Ma Cai, Số 2 Sa Pa; các trung tâm GDTX: Sa Pa, Si Ma Cai.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi họ tên thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 2 Văn Bàn, Số 1 Mường Khương, Số 4 Lào Cai, Số 1 Si Ma Cai, Số 1 Bảo Thắng.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi xếp loại học lực cho thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Số 1 Bảo Thắng, Số 1 Mường Khương, Số 4 Lào Cai.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi xếp loại hạnh kiểm cho thí sinh: Các trường THPT: Chuyên, Số 1 Mường Khương, Số 4 Lào Cai.
+ Sai sót trong việc ghi số CMND cho thí sinh: Trường THPT số 2 Bảo Yên.
- Hồ sơ thi: các trường THPT , các trung tâm GDTX chưa quan tâm đúng mức đến công tác kiểm tra hồ sơ nên các trường còn sửa chữa nhiều.
- Kỹ thuật làm bài thi trắc nghiệm của thí sinhcòn mắc phải nhiều lỗi, gây khó khăn cho tiến độ chấm bài thi trắc nghiệm. Sau đây là một số lỗi cơ bản:
+ Tô sai mã đề: Thí sinh của: Các trường THPT: Số 2 Lào Cai, Số 4 Lào Cai, Số 2 Bảo Thắng, Số 1 Bảo Thắng, Số 2 Bát Xát, Số 1 Bát Xát, Số 2 Bắc Hà, DTNT tỉnh, Số 1 Lào Cai, Chuyên, Số 1 Văn Bàn, Số 3 Lào Cai, Số 1 Bảo Yên, Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 4 Văn Bàn, Số 3 Văn Bàn, Số 1 Sa Pa, Số 2 Sa Pa, Số 1 Bắc Hà, Số 1 Mường Khương, Số 1 Si Ma Cai, Số 3 Bảo Thắng; các trung tâm: GDTX Bát Xát, GDTX số 2 Lào Cai, GDTX số 1 Lào Cai, KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh, GDTX Bảo Yên, GDTX Bảo Thắng, GDTX Văn Bàn, GDTX Bắc Hà.
+ Tô sai số báo danh: Thí sinh của: các trường THPT: Số 3 Lào Cai, Số 2 Bảo Thắng, Số 1 Bảo Thắng, Số 3 Bảo Thắng, Số 3 Bảo Yên, Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 1 Bảo Yên, Số 4 Văn Bàn, Số 2 Văn Bàn, Số 1 Văn Bàn, Số 1 Bát Xát, Số 1 Sa Pa, Số 1 Bắc Hà, Số 1 Mường Khương, Số 2 Mường Khương, Số 2 Si Ma Cai, Số 1 lào Cai, Chuyên, Số 2 Lào Cai, DTNT tỉnh, Số 2 Bắc Hà, Số 1 Si Ma Cai; các trung tâm: GDTX số 1 Lào Cai, GDTX Bát Xát, KTTH-HNDN&GDTX tỉnh, GDTX Mường Khương, GDTX Bảo Yên, GDTX Văn Bàn, GDTX Bắc Hà, GDTX Si Ma Cai, GDTX Sa Pa, GDTX Bảo Thắng.
+Làm cả 2 phần tự chọn: Thí sinh của các trường THPT: Số 1 Lào Cai, Số 3 Lào Cai, DTNT tỉnh, Số 2 Lào Cai, Chuyên, Số 4 Lào Cai, Số 1 Bảo Thắng, Số 2 Bảo Thắng, Số 3 Bảo Thắng, Số 2 Bảo Yên, Số 1 Bảo Yên, Số 3 Bảo Yên, Số 1 Văn Bàn, Số 2 Văn Bàn, Số 4 Văn Bàn, Số 2 Bát Xát, Số 1 Bát Xát, Số 1 Sa Pa, Số 2 Bắc Hà, Số 1 Bắc Hà, Số 2 Mường Khương, Số 1 Mường Khương, Số 1 Si Ma Cai, Số 2 Si Ma Cai, Số 3 Văn Bàn, Số 2 Sa Pa.
2. Những điểm mới của Quy chế thi tốt nghiệp THPT ban hành kèm theo thông tư số 10/2012/TT-BGDĐT ngày 06/3/2012 (Quy chế 10)
- Bố trí tại mỗi Hội đồng coi thi, chấm thi, phúc khảo 01 điện thoại bàn (có loa ngoài) và 01 máy vi tính để bàn (nếu có) có khả năng kết nối mạng Internet qua đường truyền ADSL để sử dụng trong các ngày làm việc. Điện thoại và máy vi tính để chung một phòng; Chủ tịch Hội đồng coi thi, chấm thi, phúc khảo chịu trách nhiệm quy định việc giám sát, sử dụng điện thoại và máy vi tính này.
- Không tổ chức thi theo cụm trường.
- Đối với đề thi có phần tự chọn, thí sinh chỉ được làm bài một trong hai phần tự chọn; nếu làm bài cả hai phần tự chọn thì không được chấm điểm cả hai phần tự chọn.
- Mỗi Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo thành lập Hội đồng chấm thi để chấm bài thi của học sinh của đơn vị mình.
- Đã làm rõ hơn về thành phần và nhiệm vụ tổ chấm thi trắc nghiệm.
- Bộ phận làm phách và các tổ chấm bài thi tự luận được bố trí sao cho các thành viên của Hội đồng chấm thi không được tiếp xúc  với bài thi tự luận của học sinh trường phổ thông nơi họ công tác.
- Mọi thí sinh đều có quyền xin phúc khảo bài thi và phải nộp lệ phí phúc khảo theo quy định.
- Thí sinh phải có đơn xin phúc khảo bài thi trong thời hạn 07 ngày kể từ ngày niêm yết công khai kết quả của kỳ thi.
3. Một số kiến nghị với Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo
- Đề nghị Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo gửi phần mềm quản lý thi tốt nghiệp THPT sớm (ngay đầu tháng 4/2012) để các đơn vị kịp thời triển khai tập huấn, tránh những sai sót về dữ liệu thi.
- Các năm học trước Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đã có công văn cho phép tính diện ưu tiên đối với những học sinh cư trú và học tập tại xã khó khăn, nhưng trong Quy chế 10 chỉ được tính đối với học sinh cư trú và học tập tại vùng cao, vùng sâu, hải đảo, khu kinh tế mới và xã đặc biệt khó khăn, xã biên giới, xã an toàn khu thuộc diện đầu tư của chương trình 135 giai đoạn II; như vậy học sinh được tính diện ưu tiên sẽ bị hạn chế rất nhiều. Đề nghị Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo xem xét lại./.




Thank you so much for your willingness to make a difference in the lives of children by helping out with Sports Camp 20--.

Check-in & Checkout

-    Make sure when campers arrive at your sport that they each have a name tag with your sport and their group listed on it. If they don’t, it means they may not have signed in, or may not have signed a waiver. An assistant coach must return with them to the registration table to get a name tag. Check each night for name tags.

-    Assistant coaches will be responsible for checking children out and dismissing them from camp each night. Campers do not leave until they are checked out by the assistant coach. (On Family Night, they will be checked out before going to team-building.)

Safety and First Aid

-    Once campers arrive at your sport each night, they are not to leave your area without an assistant coach accompanying them. This means campers need to be escorted to and from the registration table, refreshments, team-building, water breaks, etc. If a camper gets hurt, escort him or her to the church lobby (registration table) for first aid assistance. If it is urgent, use a head coach’s cell phone to call our camp nurse (###-####). If it is an emergency, dial 911, and then call the camp nurse and the camp director (###-####).

Family Night

-    On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, pass out flyers and remind campers to invite their parents to come out for Family Night on Thursday.

-    On Thursday night, the campers will warm up/stretch and then demonstrate to their parents what they have learned that week. After they do their cool down/stretch and are checked out, you will lead them to team-building. This time they will be in one big group, along with their parents. This is when we will present awards. You must check them out before leading them to team-building because the campers will not return to your sport again. (If any of the campers do not have a parent there, you will need to keep track of that child during Family Night, until their parent arrives and can sign them out.)

-     After team-building is over, everyone, including workers, campers, and parents will head to the fellowship hall for an ice cream social where the camp highlight video will play while they eat ice cream. Once people are finished eating their ice cream, they are free to leave.

General Guidelines

-    Pray, pray, pray for workers and campers. Pray for safety and salvation.

-    Keep a wristwatch or other timepiece with you and stay on schedule!

-    Remember that this camp is an outreach. Most of the campers will not be church members, so please be Christ-like in all of your actions and attitudes as you relate to campers, their parents, and other coaches. Make sure you encourage them to come back to church. Mostly, make sure they have fun while learning a little about their sport and about Jesus!

-    Make campers feel welcome. Encourage them to invite their friends and families to come the next night and to Family Night.

-    Each night, encourage campers to come back and bring their friends.

-    Each night you will be responsible for helping your head coach choose one (or two if you cannot decide) camper who best demonstrated the theme for that night. We will provide certificates for you to give to these campers at the end of the night.
Monday: All-Star Attitude
Tuesday: Hustle Hero
Wednesday: Terrific Teamwork
Thursday: Fantastic Finisher (everyone will receive a certificate)

-    Remember that you will have a different number of campers each night because new kids will show up and some will switch sports.

-    Cell phones will be for head coaches only. Please help us enforce this with your youth helpers. Head coaches are permitted to use cell phones only for urgent matters related to Sports Camp.

Station Location

•    Volleyball (Court 1 in gym)
•    Basketball (Court 2 in gym)
•    Soccer (field between street and backstop)
•    Baseball/Softball (field next to playground, in front of backstop)
•    Cheerleading (fellowship hall)
•    Registration (church lobby)
•    First Aid (registration table, church lobby)
•    Team-building (sanctuary)
•    Refreshments (FLC lobby)
•    Ice Cream Social (fellowship hall)




Thank you so much for your willingness to make a difference in the lives of children by helping out with Sports Camp 20--.

Check-in & Checkout

-    Make sure when campers arrive at your sport that they each have a name tag with your sport and their group listed on it. If they don’t, it means they may not have signed in, or may not have signed a waiver. Send one of your assistant coaches back with them to the registration table to get a name tag. Check each night for name tags.

-    Assistant coaches will be responsible for checking children out and dismissing them from camp each night. Campers do not leave until they are checked out by the assistant coach. (On Family Night, they will be checked out before going to team-building.)

Safety and First Aid

-    Once campers arrive at your sport each night, they are not to leave your area without an assistant coach accompanying them. This means that campers need to be escorted to and from the registration table, refreshments, team-building, water breaks, etc. If a camper gets hurt, escort him or her to the church lobby (registration table) for first aid assistance. If it is urgent, call our camp nurse (###-####). If it is an emergency, dial 911, and then call the camp nurse and the camp director (###-####). This means that you will need to have your cell phone with you each night.

-    Give your campers plenty of water breaks each night. All sports will have coolers and cups (or water fountains) nearby.

-    Make sure to include a proper warm up/stretch and cool down/stretch period for the campers each night.

Family Night

-    On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, pass out flyers and remind campers to invite their parents to come out for Family Night on Thursday.

-    On Thursday night, the campers will warm up/stretch, and then you will lead them in some sort of exhibition where they will demonstrate to their parents what they have learned that week. This can be a game/scrimmage format or a skills demonstration. You will lead them in a cool down/stretch time, check them out, and send them to team-building. This time they will be in one big group, along with their parents. This is when we will present awards. You must check them out before they go to team-building because the campers will not return to your sport again. (If any of the campers do not have a parent there, you will need to keep track of that child during Family Night, until their parent arrives and can sign them out.)

-     After team-building is over, everyone, including workers, campers, and parents will head to the fellowship hall for an ice cream social where the camp highlight video will play while they eat ice cream. Once people are finished eating their ice cream, they are free to leave, and you can go clean up your area.

General Guidelines

-    Pray, pray, pray for the workers and campers. Pray for safety and salvation.

-    Keep a wristwatch or other timepiece with you and stay on schedule!

-    Remember that this camp is an outreach. Most of the campers will not be church members, so please be Christ-like in all of your actions and attitudes as you relate to campers, their parents, and other coaches. Make sure you encourage them to come back to church. Mostly, make sure they have fun while learning a little about their sport and about Jesus!

-     Make campers feel welcome. Encourage them to invite their friends and families to come the next night and to Family Night.

-     Each night, encourage campers to come back and bring their friends.

-     Remember that you are responsible for gathering up/borrowing the equipment for your sport. If you need help with that, let the camp director know. (We can ask the other coaches if they have any at home; some equipment may be at the church.)

-     During each of the four skill sets, teach the campers a different skill. (Try to cover the basics of your sport.) Remember to keep it age-appropriate. You may want to divide the campers into age groups within your sport since we have such a broad span of ages and skill levels.

-    During competition time, make sure you have planned an age-appropriate game or competition for your campers.

-    You are responsible for setting up, taking down, and cleaning up your area each night.

-    Each night you will be responsible for choosing one (or two if you cannot decide) camper who best demonstrated the theme for that night. We will provide certificates for you to give to these campers at the end of the night.
Monday: All-Star Attitude
Tuesday: Hustle Hero
Wednesday: Terrific Teamwork
Thursday: Fantastic Finisher (everyone will receive a certificate)

-    Remember that you will have a different number of campers each night because new kids will show up, and some will switch sports.

-    Cell phones will be for head coaches only. Please help us enforce this with your youth helpers. Head coaches are permitted to use cell phones only for urgent matters related to Sports Camp.

Station Location

•    Volleyball (Court 1 in gym)
•    Basketball (Court 2 in gym)
•    Soccer (field between street and backstop)
•    Baseball/Softball (field next to playground, in front of backstop)
•    Cheerleading (fellowship hall)
•    Registration (church lobby)
•    First Aid (registration table, church lobby)
•    Team-building (sanctuary)
•    Refreshments (FLC lobby)
•    Ice Cream Social (fellowship hall)



We all make mistakes sometimes, when it comes to making mistakes there are always consecutions to your actions. But does it all depend on age? A new hot topic is life to prison without parole. Pennsylvania is leading state with life without parole for juveniles. Now many people have different opinions about this topic.
In my view being 18 and all, I believe that it is not fair for 13 teens and 14 teen years old, as I said before everyone makes mistakes and the age of these criminals there just little kids. They may know what right and wrong but I believe that they don’t know the consequences of their actions. The 8th amendment states cruel and unusual punishment. Many have told me that they believe that courts go around this amendment because they see all the evidence and want the family’s to get revenge and know it be unfair to not give them a full punishment. I believe that a certain age that the court would be allowed to step in is about 17. Letting a juvenile spend the rest of their life is unfair. They mine as well get the death penalty.
Some alternative punishments could be 10-year sentence and maybe a retrial, or depending on how bad the case is. I believe that the U.S is wrong for having given such critical punishments. They need a better and stricter rule about minors committing terrible crimes.

How to Choose a Proper Headphone

How to Choose a Proper Headphone

How to Choose a Proper Headphone
There are so many headphone and headset in the market, which one is supposed to be choosen, there are some guides about how to choose a good headphone.

Earbuds are best for people who are short on space, but still want a way to listen to their music. The higher-quality earbuds, like from Sennheiser or Ultimate Ears, usually come with little cases to put your earbuds in when you're not using them, so they won't get ruined or dirty at the bottom of your bag. If you keep a very small purse and want to keep your iPod Nano and earbuds together in it, or you're a guy with limited pocket space, earbuds are probably a better choice. They're also great if you are on a limited budget, because there's a lot more to choose from and they tend to cost less. Cheaper earbuds often run into problems like falling out of ears, hurting ears, or simply making dents in them from the cheap plastic. With higher prices (but still low-end in terms of quality) ranging from $25-50, you'll get more comfortable 'buds, and they are well-worth the money you spend. However, if you're an audiophile, you should consider other options. A pair of buds from Sennheiser (like the CX 500, $130), Shure (SE 115, $120), EtyMotic Research (HF5, $150), or even Ultimate Ears (minimum Super.fi 4) will be preferable.

Headphones are great if you enjoy putting them around your neck while you're walking from one place to another, or if you just carry your headphones that way. Headphones are great if you enjoy putting them around your neck while you're walking from one place to another, or if you just carry your headphones that way. You also tend to get beefier cords and fun options like wireless/bluetooth headphones. The drawback is that good headphones within your budget might be hard to find. They take up more space than earbuds, and the DJ-style headphones take up a ridiculous amount of space if you don't carry around a larger bag. They also are easy to get dirty because most don't come with cases for them.

Durability and Warranty

The reason we buy new headphones so often is because the old ones often break or get somehow destroyed. When you get to the store, see how durable each pair of headphones feel—if it feels cheap, it probably is, and might not last you as long as you'd like.

More than that, though, check and see what the warranty is like. A lot of headphones will come with warranties for a year or two, which is really nice if you find that your headphones break. It might not influence your decision, but it's something you'll definitely want to be aware of—I once threw away a $100 pair of headphones less than a year after I got them because the cord frayed into oblivion, not realizing Bose had a great warranty service on them. Don't make that mistake!


When you try the headphones on, leave them on for awhile—15 minutes if you can, even longer if you're able—because how they feel within the first five minutes and how they feel later will be quite different. A lot of headphones can feel fine when you put them on, but will make your ears hurt after awhile. Sadly you can't sit in the store for two hours with them on your head, but you should be able to get a pretty good idea of how well they fit by wearing them for a little while.


Lastly, you'll want to test the most important feature: how they sound. We've shared a few tips for this before, but they're worth noting again. Throw some of the Eminent speaker sound tests on your MP3 player before you head out. They'll play certain frequencies that you can match with a description of what they should sound like (e.g., "Pink noise" should sound like rain on a rooftop). If they don't match their descriptions, you probably want to pass on that pair of headphones.

Next, listen to old music. Even if you don't usually listen to music from the 70s, listen to it in the store, as it's usually a better indicator of the headphone's range of sound. Modern music is usually compressed to heck, and older music will help you better test the frequency response. Classical music is even better, since it has so many different instruments that will really show you the range of the headphones.
Dynastic kingship

Dynastic kingship

Altar Q (Copan)   
Shows the passing down of kingship, the symbols for king –MAYA
Aztec tribute system    They would go to oteher places and the other groups would be made to donate tribute items in food clothes and sacrifice, but they could keep their religion.. AZTEC
Ballcourts/ ballgame   
Buried mosaics/ offerings (olmec)    •    La Venta – Archectural & Ritual
–    Buildings covered in red clay
–    Adobe blocks
–    White sand floors
Calpolli- capulli    Land holding group, clans of people / would uphold eachothers
Cacao    •    Honduras
–    Puerto Escondito
•    Domestication of cacao, traded all over the place
Cenote    deep sinkhole in Limestone; pool at the Bottom; Yucatán= Used for ritual purposes and for obtaining water
Ceiba tree    Branches into the heavens middle into the natural world and top in the heavens
Colossal basalt heads (olmec)    Individual leaders of people
Chinampas    Man made islands that Aztecs built in the lake.. very fertile and grew crops on them
Domestication / domesticates    –    Squash 8000 BC
–    Maize (corn) 3400 BC

Dynastic kingship   

    Roots in the Late Formative
•    San Bartolo Murals
–    Power & authority focused on
    single individual (king)
–    Reinforced through monuments, temples, texts, images
Politico-religious rationale
–    Based in lineage/descent from a Founder
–    Patrilineal, primogeniture
–    Palenque (Lady Zac Kuk); Naranjo (Lady Six Sky)

Ethnographic analogy    Comparing modern day people to ancient people used to interpret archaeological remains
E groups – uaxactun    the 4  astronomuical plats with one looking over each other used to monitor the star
Pyramid of the sun –teotihuacan    Teotihuacan opposite pyramid of the moon on the street of the dead,
Human sacrifice    Tonali gave them his life for the humans so the humans should give their life for them
Huitzilopochtli    The god of war, patron god of the Aztecs
Jade    Is from mountains of Guatemala trade through Honduras
Lifecycle theory    The ancestors can come back and affect your life
Gender as socially constructed    deep history culture, there are so many different aspects
Maize    Main domesticxate and ritual important people coming from the corn
Maya hieroglyphs    texts provide record of military alliances, victories, and defeats
•    history
–    individual kings
–    alliances & war
–    religion
–    views of time
•    First deciphered in 1950’s
–    Yuri Knorozov suggested glyphs were phonetic (1958)
–    Glyphs are composed of consonant-vowel combinations

•    Read top to bottom, left to right by pairs:
•    Hieroglyphs: elite focused
Maya calendar    Called the long count 365 day year, 18 months, months were 20 days long and there were five extra days
Quetzalcoatl    Did not like sacrifice, everyone worshiped him, Aztec named him this
Radiocarbon dating    C14 measures the amunt of radio carbon
Shell    Came from gulf coast and yucutan, ritual importance
San bartolo murals    Showed MAYA, the creation of humand and the coronation of the king, earliest depiction of kings
Caves    Entrances to the underworld…
Tzompantli    The skull racks, Aztec and maya, some are real skull and some are carved.. trophy rack to show evidence of warfare
Tonali    Life force, what Aztecs get from sacrifice
Tlaloc    Rain god, very very important everyone worshiped him
Tripod vessels    Little bowls with three feet, teotihuacan most likely traded with them
Templo mayor    Big temple at the Aztec city, with two temples on top, where big sacrifice was
Tlatoani     The Aztec king
The long count    The maya calendar
Talud tablero architecture    Teotihuacan stair architecture
4 cornered world    All believed in this north south east and west and that it is flat all meso believd
4 tiered hierarchy of maya city states    Kings, elites, commorners
Great pyramid-olmec    –    Over 30m high, nearly 100,000 cubic meters of earth
At la venta, important that it had to be organized by a leader to show social hierarchy
Pipiltin    Nobleman of Aztecs
Pantheism    Belief in many gods and everyone believed in pantheism
Obsidian    Everyone usd it.. volcanic glass
Feminist critiques of science    Not objective and arch should be more inclusive to women bc things can be viewed very differently from the still silent point of view
Mountains    Bring you closer the gods
Multi layered universe    There is and underworld human world and an heaven and the whole world is resting on a crocodile
Machehualli    The Aztec commoners class
Maya mathematics    Base 20 the concept of zero …a line equal 5 and a dot equals 1
Maya warfare –evidence    Victims, textual accounts, weapons
Stela    Big giant status made of the kings .. put out in the public liegitimized the kings as rulers
Spearthrower owl    King of tikal.. supposed to be descendant of teotihuacanos… but they never legitimized it
King yax nuun ayiin I    The founding king of tikal that took leadership from spearthrower owl
K’inich yax k’uk mo’   
Sijak k’ak
MAYA- tikal, copan, Palenque, chiten itza, kirigua, cala mul

Lady zak kuk- the mother of king pical … mayan when her son was too young to rile
King pical- buried under the big pyramid in Palenque
Tikal    Maya.. located in guatamala rainforest
Copan    Maya.. on Honduras
Quirigua    Maya …Next to copan
Calakmul    Maya
Palenque    Maya
San bartolo    Maya
San Lorenzo    Olmec
La venta    Olmec
El manati    Olmec
-1600 bc- 1200 bc
Monte alban    Zapotec
San jose mogote    Zapotec
Teotihuacan    Aztec
Chichen itza    Maya
Aztlan    Where Aztecs belive their mythical homeland is
Preclassic (Formative)
BCE 2000–250 CE    Unknown culture in La Blanca and Ujuxte, Monte Alto culture

Early Preclassic    BCE 2000–1000    Olmec area: San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan; Central Mexico: Chalcatzingo; Valley of Oaxaca: San José Mogote. The Maya area: Nakbe, Cerros

Middle Preclassic    BCE 1000–400    Olmec area: La Venta, Tres Zapotes; Maya area: El Mirador, Izapa, Lamanai, Xunantunich, Naj Tunich, Takalik Abaj, Kaminaljuyú, Uaxactun; Valley of Oaxaca: Monte Albán, Dainzú

Late Preclassic    BCE 400–200 CE    Maya area: Uaxactun, Tikal, Edzná, Cival, San Bartolo, Altar de Sacrificios, Piedras Negras, Ceibal, Rio Azul; Central Mexico: Teotihuacan; Gulf Coast: Epi-Olmec culture

200–900 CE    Classic Maya Centers, Teotihuacan, Zapotec
Early Classic    200–600 CE    Maya area: Calakmul, Caracol, Chunchucmil, Copán, Naranjo, Palenque, Quiriguá, Tikal, Uaxactun, Yaxha; Teotihuacan apogee; Zapotec apogee; Bajío apogee.

Late Classic    600–900 CE    Maya area: Uxmal, Toniná, Cobá, Waka', Pusilhá, Xultún, Dos Pilas, Cancuen, Aguateca; Central Mexico: Xochicalco, Cacaxtla; Gulf Coast: El Tajín and Classic Veracruz culture

Terminal Classic    800–900/1000 CE    Maya area: Puuc sites – Uxmal, Labna, Sayil, Kabah

900–1519 CE    Aztec, Tarascans, Mixtec, Totonac, Pipil, Itzá, Ko'woj, K'iche', Kaqchikel, Poqomam, Mam

Early Postclassic    900–1200 CE    Cholula, Tula, Mitla, El Tajín, Tulum, Topoxte, Kaminaljuyú, Joya de Cerén

Late Postclassic    1200–1519 CE    Tenochtitlan, Cempoala, Tzintzuntzan, Mayapán, Ti'ho, Gumarcaj, Iximche, Mixco Viejo, Zaculeu



Eppie has grown up
Godfrey and Nancy Cass haven't had children- but Godfrey wanted them so much. They went to look at some of the fields near the old quarry every evening, and he saw Eppie sometimes. At the first moment Godfrey spoke adopting Eppie, he was relented.
Unlike Godfrey and Nancy, Silas and Eppie was sitting outside their door in the sunshine. Silas told to Eppie how her mother had died in the snow, and he had given her the dead woman's wedding ring. After that Eppie told her father that Aaron was talking to her about marriage. At night Silas want to speak with Dolly Winthrop (Aaron's Mother) about their marriage.

Chapter 9
Godfrey Confesses at last
The villagers were found Dunstan's body with Silas's gold when the quarry has suddenly gone dry. Then Godfrey had to confess the truth to Nancy. He told her, the dead woman that Silas found many years ago was his wife and Eppie is his girl. He married with Molly and he was afraid if he told the truth, Nancy didn't want to get married with him. At first Nancy was angry, but she advised him to adopt Eppie. At the end Godfrey decided to talk about this with Silas tonight.


Silas’s neighbors
The villagers continued to discuss Silas and his lost gold, but they had no more explanations to offer. This disaster had gone good result. Little by little, Silas’s neighbors realized it was wrong to be suspicious of him. He was just a poor, simple, harmless man, who needed their help. They showed their new opinion of him in many different ways. Some of the women, who were baking cakes and preparing meat for Christmas, brought him present of food. Some of the men, who had nothing to give him stopped him in the village to ask about his health, or visited him to discuss the robbery.

Chapter 6
The New Year’s Eve dance
On December 31st all villagers arriving at the Red house. All ladies go upstairs to change your clothes for dancing. Godfrey Cass asked to dance with Nancy and she accepted, they went to dance into the large hall when music started, suddenly the Squire’s heavy foot stood on part of Nancy’s dress and some of the material was pulled away and they had to go to another room to repair her clothes. This is a best time for Godfrey to speak with her without any knocker. They spoke about their marriage, but just then Priscilla (Nancy’s sister) hurried in, saying, ‘the Squire waiting for you to come back to dance.’ they had to go to dance hall.

Chapter 7
Silas finds his ‘gold’
When all villagers were in the New Year’s Eve, Molly (Godfrey’s wife) went to Raveloe that was carrying her sleeping child in her arms. She had very tired, then she had to lie down, but she didn’t notice that the ground was cold.
In a few moment the child woke up, crying, and went away to a dancing light on the white ground. She arrived to the Silas’s cottage. She fallen down on the ground, and she was completely unconscious. Silas opened the door and took her to the cottage. When she became conscious again, she was crying, Silas understood, maybe, her mother fallen down near the cottage, he went out to find her, when he found her, immediate, he understood she can’t breathing then he went to the Red house whit child to find doctor. When they came back, they understood Molly was dead. Silas adopted the child and he called her, Eppie.
Godfrey Cass watched the little girl growing up. He often gave money to Silas to spend on her. He was looking forward to marrying Nancy very soon.